👝Brand kit

Brand Guidelines:

Our brand guidelines are an essential part of our brand kit. They provide detailed information on how to use our brand assets correctly and consistently. Please refer to our brand guidelines when creating any content related to our brand. If you have any questions about our brand kit, please contact us for assistance.


Our logo is the centerpiece of our brand. It is simple yet bold, featuring the letters "PBEX" in a modern and sleek font. The logo should always be displayed in its original colors of pink and white. Please do not alter, distort, or modify the logo in any way.

Color Palette:



Our brand's photography style is modern, sleek, and professional. We use high-quality images that feature clean lines, minimalism, and symmetry. Our photography should always be relevant to our brand and its values.

At PBEX, we're committed to maintaining a consistent brand image that reflects our values and personality. Our brand kit is a valuable resource that ensures our brand is always presented in the best possible light.

Last updated